According to, the VIA Metropolitan Transit Board has unanimously adopted a plan for San Antonio public transportation that will include light rail, streetcars, and bus rapid transit lines. Currently San Antonio is the largest city in the U.S. with a bus-only transit system. The city's last streetcars were discontinued in 1933. But with a projected population of over 2 million by 2035, the need for public transportation will increase dramatically.
As seen on the map, there will be bus rapid transit routes added. The city's first bus rapid transit line is set to launch late next year or in early 2013, plus there are plans for additional bus rapid transit lines stretching north and south.
Next comes the streetcar lines through downtown. There will be construction of an east-west modern streetcar line through downtown connecting VIA's planned West Side multimodal center and the Robert Thompson Transit Center at the Alamodome on the East Side.
Finally, there will be two light-rail corridors in the region, one stretching north and south, initially joining the airport and downtown, and one east and west, connecting Lackland AFB to Fort Sam Houston.
And meanwhile, bus service will remain the bedrock of the system. Bus frequencies will be improved and new express lines will be added to facilitate transportation in the suburbs.
All in all, the VIA plan will help San Antonio residents get to work as more and more people leave their cars at home and enjoy the ride!